Monday, June 8, 2009

Prayers and personal thoughts


Baby Hope is doing well! She has not had any new blisters appear since those first few, and the others are healing up. Prayers were requested for bandage changing time on one of her feet, it's pretty painful for little Hope. Keep those prayers coming for her!

Please pray for Noah E.; he is back in the hospital tonight with a central line infection. With his new diagnosis he received, this could be a serious issue. Let's cover them!

Please pray for little Pablo; he is having a pretty rough time.

Avery is having surgery this afternoon to close up her belly; no updates yet. Pray for her!

Stellan has been having more SVT and now some high blood pressure. Remember him in your prayers.

Personal thoughts:

I've struggled with something this afternoon and have prayed about what to post.

We've all been following April Rose and her momma "B". I too, watched her blog yesterday for new updates of the birth, I cried, and I interceded.

I was shocked when the blog was taken down, and kept checking back today for more updates. I even sent an email asking if they would like me to post prayer requests or updates, and never heard anything back.

Then I discovered a few blogs saying the whole thing was a hoax; a scam. I was dumbfounded and did a LOT of research, and a lot of reading.

I am not one to judge anyone, I can only arrive at an opinion based on the evidence laid out before me, and what I feel like the Holy Spirit is speaking to me. And that is up to each one of us to do, for ourselves.

Regardless of whether this story is a hoax, or it is real, this woman "B" still needs our prayers. If she is a new hurting momma, dealing with all of this mess and spending time with her sick baby, or if she is a lonely girl who made it up for attention, she needs our prayers. So I leave it at that. Pray for her, and everyone who has become in involved. That's what we are here for: to pray.


  1. Thanks for this, Christy. These are my thoughts exactly. It's a hard thing to believe or not believe. I got so confused today. I am praying for the creator/author of this blog. Thank you for ALL you do, Christy. When I come here, it does feel just like the title's name. A safe Haven. Thank you for always remembering ALL of our children.


  2. I truly want to believe that that blog was not a hoax, but it upsets me non the less. Because if it wasn't a hoax, then now I doubt we will ever know how April is and what happened. And if it is, it upsets me because I have put so much emotion and prayer into this family and I feel lied to.

    I will continue to pray for this family/blog writer though, because they need it.

  3. I agree with you also although I NEVER once doubted that the story was a hoax. I too became very emotionally involved and just honestly don't know what to think at this time. As of this morning or late last night I see the blog has been TOTALLY removed with no access to it at all. You know their are "sick" people in this world mentally and physically who as you said still need our prayer. Just sad that someone would use an innocent child alive or not in a situation like this to bring attention to themselves. I will continue to pray regardless my prayers will just change from this point forward. Thank you for keeping us updated on all the little ones who are in need of our prayers daily. Thanks for all your hard work on this blog.

    God Bless

  4. Sorry correction on my previous post I never once thought it was a hoax. I believe it to be true even once all the "accusations" started being talked about. Sorry I got tongue tied on that one.

  5. It truely is sad no matter what the reasoning is. I also follow B on Twitter and that account is no longer there either.
    Sadly I don't think the answer will ever be known...

  6. I am so glad that I stumbled across this page. I have been following this story since I saw a link from someone else's blog. I even felt "close" to her as she said she lives very near the same city that I do. I called my mom this morning when I found out that the blog was totally gone. She told me to not automatically assume the worst (which is hard not to do) and even told me that perhaps whoever wrote it needs my prayers even if it was a hoax. I do not want to feel duped but at the same time, if it was a hoax at least there was not sick baby.

    Thanks for the info.

  7. This is all I have found but is more recent than what was on the last time I saw the blog alive:

    This is the latest update that I can find:
    9:36pm update
    By guest

    I know you all are so concerned about April and anxious to hear how she is doing. I'm so sorry there have been no updates for so long. I have stepped back to allow D to protect his family as he has chosen to. I want to respect that. There have also been no updates because the focus has shifted from the blog to what is going on with April right now. As it should.

    Posts have been removed and photos taken down. It may be brash, but there is not the luxury of time to think through how to respond to things. Their focus is not on what is swirling around on the internet. Their attention is on their daughter.

    I am hundreds of miles away from B & D and April right now, so have been just as anxious to hear an update as all of you.

    I just spoke with B on the phone. She and April (and D) are at the hospital right now. April's health was beginning to decline, and B was not feeling well either, so together with the midwife they made the call and took a short ambulance ride to the nearby hospital.

    The doctors at the hospital are running some tests on April right now. B did not know the details of what tests (they were in separate areas at the time, plus it was really noisy and hard to understand everything), but she knows they are doing some blood work to begin with.

    So, the good news is, April Rose is alive right now! And, she and B are both continuing to receive excellent care. We can pray for wisdom for the doctors and for D & B. We can pray that they will return home tonight with their baby in tow (I wonder if the hospital supplies car seats in these situations???).

    We can pray for the God of Truth to reign in this situation and for what is true to be brought to light. We do not look to the left or to the right for what is true, but to the Creator of Life. God is not a God of confusion.

    I will continue to update as B asks me to. I have told her about all of the wonderful encouragement you all are sending her way. She is grateful for that, so thank you.


  8. God knows you have a heart for Him and Him alone. You grieve the innocent and hurting. Though she may not be innocent she is hurting to get attention is such a way.

    When I was in college living in a dorm, a caller called my room and faked a suicide. I prayed for that person outloud trying to help him through his struggles. I was helpless and had put all of my emotions into trying to help him. Later he and a friend called me back to apologize. It was all an act.

    I believe satan wanted to try stop me from giving my heart fully to God through people hurting. It is God alone we serve.

    Your ministry has been such a blessing to our family. Please continue your good work and heart.

  9. Thank you all for your comments...for praying, and for your godly example in your words. Thank you also for the encouragement. I know we were all emotionally into this, in different ways. I pray for peace in all of this!

  10. In trying to find something good in all of this and it's not easy when you feel like you've been mislead and just feeling confused as to why someone would do this to so many people. Despite the fact that this was a scam, it brought together hundreds if not thousands of people to do what? Pray. Prayer is talking to God and what does God want from us more than anything?? For us to talk to him and that's what we did.


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