Want a new look for your blog? Carla (Gavin's mom) has been doing blog makeovers for a donation that goes to help with their medical expenses. Gavin has to take a lot of meds, every day, so this is a great way to help out a sweet little boy, and get an amazing makeover! She just finished my personal blog, she also designed Gabe's. Here are some links to a few others: here and here. She does a fantastic job!
Visit Stephanie's blog for an opportunity to help them raise money at the Down's Syndrome Association "Buddy Walk".
You can also go to James' blog and donate to "Team Ryan"!
In honor of Maryn: Maryn's Hope Foundation
Pray for Ellie; she is still having a lot of feeding and reflux issues. She is not able to keep much food down. Please pray for her!
Grant is having heart surgery today (the Glenn); I just checked and it is not complete yet. Please pray for safety for little Grant!
Kate needs prayers, she is in a lot of pain.
Today, Mikayla is having a Bone Marrow Aspirate test to see if Leukemia is still present in her bone marrow. Please pray for good results!
Hope is having reflux issues, please pray for her.
Jaxson isn't doing well, remember him.
Continue to remember Veiyah; there is now an update on her blog.
I am Elijah's mom, Elijah is my 24 week micropreemie miracle. Pray for Elijah he is 16 months old and still not able to sit up, though he works very hard at home and in therapy. Pray for myself and my husband and the situation we are going through that God will work it all out the way he wants it. Pray for my three year old who will be assessed for Aspergers Syndrome soon.