Emerson needs our prayers - she took a turn for the worse last night, I'll share her mom's most recent Facebook updates here:
Emerson needs your prayers this morning... please pass on the request. Things took a turn for the worse overnight. She is now growing yeast in her blood. Gram negative, gram positive & yeast. Potentially now a new, second gram positive too. Her infections don't appear to be responding to the many antibiotics running through her. Her temp overnight was high. Her heart rate is not elevating appropriately. Her blood pressure is not responding appropriately. She is not sleeping well. Several things are not "right" now. I've always had a reliable gut feeling with her & my gut feeling this morning is I'm worried.
Thank You so much for all your prayers & thoughtful comments - they bring me great comfort though the difficult times (& there have been many). Today was a relatively good, stable day considering she is battling a very serious infection. Emerson continues to spike fevers through all the antibiotics & there is intense discussion now about what to do next & how aggressively to treat. The answers don't come easily - they haven't for a while...
don't know where to direct this, but Lucy Krull has relapsed (brain cancer) and doesn't have much time left. currently in ICU and the family desperately need prayers, obviously for Lucy (mercy, no suffering) as well as big sister Ella and little brother Jack (too young to understand but will grow up knowing) and the parents.