Saturday, November 6, 2010

a few requests...

Please be in prayer for sweet little Maggie, she has been having a very hard time and things aren't looking very good...

Kyle and his family are also in need of some prayers and good wishes..

also please pray for sweet Morgan, her family lost her 5 year old sister March 2010, and now Morgan (4 yrs) is suffering the same disease. She was discharged last week to go home on hospice.. This is the same disease my daughter had and is so aggressive and so rapid, once the symptoms start, its just a matter of time befor they are gone..the link is a FB page, but it is open to anyone..

I will update again later, please let me know if you have any other requests to add.. also be sure to follow us on facebook! thanks and have a blessed weekend!

They all have forms of mitochondrial disease~Mitochondria exist in nearly every cell of the human body, producing 90 percent of the energy the body needs to function.  In a person with mitochondrial disease, the mitochondria are failing and cannot convert food and oxygen into life-sustaining energy.  For many, mitochondrial disease is an inherited genetic condition, while for others the body's mitochondria can be affected by other environmental factors.  What is happening with these little ones is that the mitochondria (little power houses) are not getting to where they need to go in the body. This causes respiratory, liver, kidney and other sorts of organ failure. It also makes the person extrememly immune deficient and makes it nearly impossible to fight off infection.. be sure to visit the for more info, there is a faq section..
